AHLTA Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application

AHLTA, the military's electronic health record (EHR), marks a significant new era in healthcare for the Military Health System (MHS) and the nation. In his January 2004 State of the Union address, the President set the goal of ensuring most Americans had an EHR by 2014. The Department of Defense is leading this effort by completing the implementation of AHLTA, the interoperable, globally-accessible, protected, and always available EHR for Uniformed Services members, retirees and their families by 2011. AHLTA gives healthcare providers access to data about beneficiaries' conditions, prescriptions, diagnostic tests and additional information essential to providing quality care.

21ST Century Technology for the 21ST Century Fighting Force
AHLTA leverages advanced technology to its fullest potential, ensuring healthcare providers have instant access to invaluable medical information about their patients. Equally as capable in field mobile units as it is in peace-time medical centers, AHLTA is a system that is consistently:

  • Powerful: Valuable, life-saving beneficiary information is available 24/7.
  • Legible: Beneficiary records are complete, accurate and clear.
  • Secure: Only authorized users can access records and they are protected from natural or man-made disasters.
  • Longitudinal: 25 months of laboratory, anatomic pathology, pharmacy and radiology data is pre-entered from MHS legacy systems.
  • Knowledgeable: Offers healthcare providers wellness reminders for their patients.
  • Efficient: Interoperability ensures that costly tests, labs and scans are not needlessly duplicated.
  • Proactive: AHLTA provides critical information that lets healthcare providers know about disease outbreaks, allowing early intervention in targeted populations. This medical surveillance facilitates military force health protection.

Global Access on Demand
With real-time access to beneficiaries' information "on demand," healthcare providers are able to deliver safer and more efficient care around the globe.

When minutes matter most, AHLTA can mean the difference between life and death. Whether it's on the battlefield or safely back home, this secure, robust, patient-centered data collection system is redefining the healthcare delivery experience.


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